You’ll probably experience some trial and error as you learn to properly care for your new place. Here’s a basic home-maintenance checklist to help you get started.

  1. 定期检查排水沟 to make sure they’re properly attached and clear of sticks and leaves. 也, confirm the flow of water from your gutters is away from your home to avoid damage to your foundation.
  2. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors monthly. Experts also recommend changing the batteries in these items as part of your routine when you change the clocks in the fall and spring.
  3. 更换家中的暖通空调过滤器 at intervals recommended by the system manufacturer, especially if you have allergies or pets. 肮脏的过滤器意味着低效的系统.
  4. 检查你财产上的树木. A tree-service company can give you advice on how to care for your trees and identify weak limbs that should be cut.
  5. 寻找有水的厕所和滴水的水龙头. These small nuisances can add up to a large waste of water. 你可以自己修马桶或水龙头.
  6. Check the supply hose to your washing machine,可能会泄漏并造成昂贵的损失.
  7. 定期清洁烘干机通风口. Note the dryer vent is not the lint trap (which should be cleaned often, too). Dryer vents push air outside the property through a duct, but can get filled with lint and become a fire hazard.
  8. 清洁冰箱周围. Keeping the vents and coils underneath and behind your refrigerator free of dust helps its efficiency.
  9. 小心缝隙. Do you have gaps or cracks around doors, windows, or where pipes and wires enter the structure? Replace weather stripping that’s missing or in disrepair and add caulk where needed. This will help you keep the house insulated and keep bugs and small creatures out.
  10. 让害虫防治专家检查你的家, even if you don’t suspect signs of infestation.

如你所见, a lot of effort goes into maintaining your home, 这些2021十大正规彩票app只是触及了表面. Ask your REALTOR® about other resources that can help you keep your home safe, 非常高效。, 和维护良好.